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1create database data_Test  --创建数据库data_Test  2GO  3use data_Test  4GO  5create table tb_TestTable   --创建表  6(  7    id int identity(1,1) primary key,  8    userName nvarchar(20) not null,  9    userPWD nvarchar(20) not null, 10    userEmail nvarchar(40) null 11) 12GO




1--插入数据  2set identity_insert tb_TestTable on  3declare @count int  4set @count=1  5while @count<=2000000  6begin   7    insert into tb_TestTable(id,userName,userPWD,userEmail) values(@count,'admin','admin888','lli0077@yahoo.com.cn')  8    set @count=@count+1  9end 10set identity_insert tb_TestTable off



1,利用select top 和select not in进行分页,具体代码如下:


1create procedure proc_paged_with_notin  --利用select top and select not in  2(  3    @pageIndex int,  --页索引  4    @pageSize int    --每页记录数  5)  6as  7begin  8    set nocount on;  9    declare @timediff datetime --耗时 10    declare @sql nvarchar(500) 11    select @timediff=Getdate() 12    set @sql='select top '+str(@pageSize)+' * from tb_TestTable where(ID not in(select top '+str(@pageSize*@pageIndex)+' id from tb_TestTable order by ID ASC)) order by ID' 13    execute(@sql)  --因select top后不支技直接接参数,所以写成了字符串@sql 14    select datediff(ms,@timediff,GetDate()) as 耗时 15    set nocount off; 16end


2,利用select top 和 select max(列键)


1create procedure proc_paged_with_selectMax  --利用select top and select max(列)  2(  3    @pageIndex int,  --页索引  4    @pageSize int    --页记录数  5)  6as  7begin  8set nocount on;  9    declare @timediff datetime 10    declare @sql nvarchar(500) 11    select @timediff=Getdate() 12    set @sql='select top '+str(@pageSize)+' * From tb_TestTable where(ID>(select max(id) From (select top '+str(@pageSize*@pageIndex)+' id From tb_TestTable order by ID) as TempTable)) order by ID' 13    execute(@sql) 14    select datediff(ms,@timediff,GetDate()) as 耗时 15set nocount off; 16end复制代码


3,利用select top和中间变量--此方法因网上有人说效果最佳,所以贴出来一同测试


1create procedure proc_paged_with_Midvar  --利用ID>最大ID值和中间变量  2(  3    @pageIndex int,  4    @pageSize int  5)  6as  7    declare @count int  8    declare @ID int  9    declare @timediff datetime 10    declare @sql nvarchar(500) 11begin 12set nocount on; 13    select @count=0,@ID=0,@timediff=getdate() 14    select @count=@count+1,@ID=case when @count<=@pageSize*@pageIndex then ID else @ID end from tb_testTable order by id 15    set @sql='select top '+str(@pageSize)+' * from tb_testTable where ID>'+str(@ID) 16    execute(@sql) 17    select datediff(ms,@timediff,getdate()) as 耗时 18set nocount off; 19end20


4,利用Row_number() 此方法为SQL server 2005中新的方法,利用Row_number()给数据行加上索引


1create procedure proc_paged_with_Rownumber  --利用SQL 2005中的Row_number()  2(  3    @pageIndex int,  4    @pageSize int  5)  6as  7    declare @timediff datetime  8begin  9set nocount on; 10    select @timediff=getdate() 11    select * from (select *,Row_number() over(order by ID asc) as IDRank from tb_testTable) as IDWithRowNumber where IDRank>@pageSize*@pageIndex and IDRank<@pageSize*(@pageIndex+1) 12    select datediff(ms,@timediff,getdate()) as 耗时 13set nocount off; 14end15




1create procedure proc_CTE  --利用临时表及Row_number  2(  3    @pageIndex int,  --页索引  4    @pageSize int    --页记录数  5)  6as  7    set nocount on;  8    declare @ctestr nvarchar(400)  9    declare @strSql nvarchar(400) 10    declare @datediff datetime 11begin 12    select @datediff=GetDate() 13    set @ctestr='with Table_CTE as 14                (select ceiling((Row_number() over(order by ID ASC))/'+str(@pageSize)+') as page_num,* from tb_TestTable)'; 15    set @strSql=@ctestr+' select * From Table_CTE where page_num='+str(@pageIndex) 16end 17    begin 18        execute sp_executesql @strSql 19        select datediff(ms,@datediff,GetDate()) 20    set nocount off; 21    end22复制代码


OK,至此,存储过程创建完毕,我们分别在每页10条数据的情况下在第2页,第1000页,第10000页,第100000页,第199999页进行测试,耗时单位:ms  每页测试5次取其平均值


存过 第2页耗时 第1000页耗时 第10000页耗时 第100000页耗时 第199999页耗时 效率排行
1用not in 0ms 16ms 47ms 475ms 953ms 3
2用select max 5ms 16ms 35ms 325ms 623ms 1
3中间变量 966ms 970ms 960ms 945ms 933ms 5
4row_number 0ms 0ms 34ms 365ms 710ms 2
4临时表 780ms 796ms 798ms 780ms 805ms 4

测试结果显示:select max >row_number>not in>临时表>中间变量

 于是我对效率最高的select max方法用2分法进行了扩展,代码取自互联网,我修改了ASC排序时取不到值的BUG,测

2分法 156ms 156ms 180ms 470ms 156ms 1*


 下面是2分法使用select max的代码,已相当完善。


1--/*-----存储过程 分页处理 孙伟 2005-03-28创建 -------*/   2--/*-----存储过程 分页处理 浪尘 2008-9-1修改----------*/   3--/*----- 对数据进行了2分处理使查询前半部分数据与查询后半部分数据性能相同 -------*/   4  5alter PROCEDURE proc_paged_2part_selectMax   6(   7@tblName     nvarchar(200),        ----要显示的表或多个表的连接   8@fldName     nvarchar(500) = '*',    ----要显示的字段列表   9@pageSize    int = 10,        ----每页显示的记录个数  10@page        int = 1,        ----要显示那一页的记录  11@fldSort    nvarchar(200) = null,    ----排序字段列表或条件  12@Sort        bit = 0,        ----排序方法,0为升序,1为降序(如果是多字段排列Sort指代最后一个排序字段的排列顺序(最后一个排序字段不加排序标记)--程序传参如:' SortA Asc,SortB Desc,SortC ')  13@strCondition    nvarchar(1000) = null,    ----查询条件,不需where  14@ID        nvarchar(150),        ----主表的主键  15@Dist                 bit = 0,           ----是否添加查询字段的 DISTINCT 默认0不添加/1添加  16@pageCount    int = 1 output,            ----查询结果分页后的总页数  17@Counts    int = 1 output                ----查询到的记录数  18)  19AS  20SET NOCOUNT ON  21Declare @sqlTmp nvarchar(1000)        ----存放动态生成的SQL语句  22Declare @strTmp nvarchar(1000)        ----存放取得查询结果总数的查询语句  23Declare @strID     nvarchar(1000)        ----存放取得查询开头或结尾ID的查询语句  24 25Declare @strSortType nvarchar(10)    ----数据排序规则A  26Declare @strFSortType nvarchar(10)    ----数据排序规则B  27 28Declare @SqlSelect nvarchar(50)         ----对含有DISTINCT的查询进行SQL构造  29Declare @SqlCounts nvarchar(50)          ----对含有DISTINCT的总数查询进行SQL构造  30 31declare @timediff datetime  --耗时测试时间差  32select @timediff=getdate()  33 34if @Dist  = 0  35begin  36    set @SqlSelect = 'select '  37    set @SqlCounts = 'Count(*)'  38end  39else  40begin  41    set @SqlSelect = 'select distinct '  42    set @SqlCounts = 'Count(DISTINCT '+@ID+')'  43end  44 45 46if @Sort=0  47begin  48    set @strFSortType=' ASC '  49    set @strSortType=' DESC '  50end  51else  52begin  53    set @strFSortType=' DESC '  54    set @strSortType=' ASC '  55end  56 57 58 59--------生成查询语句--------  60--此处@strTmp为取得查询结果数量的语句  61if @strCondition is null or @strCondition=''     --没有设置显示条件  62begin  63    set @sqlTmp =  @fldName + ' From ' + @tblName  64    set @strTmp = @SqlSelect+' @Counts='+@SqlCounts+' FROM '+@tblName  65    set @strID = ' From ' + @tblName  66end  67else  68begin  69    set @sqlTmp = + @fldName + 'From ' + @tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition  70    set @strTmp = @SqlSelect+' @Counts='+@SqlCounts+' FROM '+@tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition  71    set @strID = ' From ' + @tblName + ' where (1>0) ' + @strCondition  72end  73 74----取得查询结果总数量-----  75exec sp_executesql @strTmp,N'@Counts int out ',@Counts out  76declare @tmpCounts int  77if @Counts = 0  78    set @tmpCounts = 1  79else  80    set @tmpCounts = @Counts  81 82    --取得分页总数  83    set @pageCount=(@tmpCounts+@pageSize-1)/@pageSize  84 85    /**//**当前页大于总页数 取最后一页**/  86    if @page>@pageCount  87        set @page=@pageCount  88 89    --/*-----数据分页2分处理-------*/  90    declare @pageIndex int --总数/页大小  91    declare @lastcount int --总数%页大小   92 93    set @pageIndex = @tmpCounts/@pageSize  94    set @lastcount = @tmpCounts%@pageSize  95    if @lastcount > 0  96        set @pageIndex = @pageIndex + 1  97    else  98        set @lastcount = @pagesize  99100    --//***显示分页 101    if @strCondition is null or @strCondition=''     --没有设置显示条件 102    begin 103        if @pageIndex<2 or @page<=@pageIndex / 2 + @pageIndex % 2   --前半部分数据处理 104            begin  105                if @page=1 106                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName                         107                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType 108                else 109                begin 110                    if @Sort=1 111                    begin                     112                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 113                        +' where '+@ID+' <(select min('+ @ID +') from ('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName 114                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType+') AS TBMinID)' 115                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType 116                    end 117                    else 118                    begin 119                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 120                        +' where '+@ID+' >(select max('+ @ID +') from ('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName 121                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType+') AS TBMinID)' 122                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType  123                    end 124                end     125            end 126        else 127            begin 128            set @page = @pageIndex-@page+1 --后半部分数据处理 129                if @page <= 1 --最后一页数据显示                 130                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@lastcount as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 131                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType  132                else 133                    if @Sort=1 134                    begin 135                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 136                        +' where '+@ID+' >(select max('+ @ID +') from('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName 137                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TBMaxID)' 138                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType 139                    end 140                    else 141                    begin 142                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 143                        +' where '+@ID+' <(select min('+ @ID +') from('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName 144                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TBMaxID)' 145                        +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType  146                    end 147            end 148    end 149150    else --有查询条件 151    begin 152        if @pageIndex<2 or @page<=@pageIndex / 2 + @pageIndex % 2   --前半部分数据处理 153        begin 154                if @page=1 155                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName                         156                        +' where 1=1 ' + @strCondition + ' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType 157                else if(@Sort=1) 158                begin                     159                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 160                        +' where '+@ID+' <(select min('+ @ID +') from ('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName 161                        +' where (1=1) ' + @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType+') AS TBMinID)' 162                        +' '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType 163                end 164                else 165                begin 166                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 167                        +' where '+@ID+' >(select max('+ @ID +') from ('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-1) as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName 168                        +' where (1=1) ' + @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType+') AS TBMinID)' 169                        +' '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType  170                end            171        end 172        else 173        begin  174            set @page = @pageIndex-@page+1 --后半部分数据处理 175            if @page <= 1 --最后一页数据显示 176                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@lastcount as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 177                        +' where (1=1) '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType                      178            else if(@Sort=1) 179                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 180                        +' where '+@ID+' >(select max('+ @ID +') from('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName 181                        +' where (1=1) '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TBMaxID)' 182                        +' '+ @strCondition+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType     183            else 184                    set @strTmp=@SqlSelect+' * from ('+@SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize as VARCHAR(4))+' '+ @fldName+' from '+@tblName 185                        +' where '+@ID+' <(select min('+ @ID +') from('+ @SqlSelect+' top '+ CAST(@pageSize*(@page-2)+@lastcount as Varchar(20)) +' '+ @ID +' from '+@tblName 186                        +' where (1=1) '+ @strCondition +' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TBMaxID)' 187                        +' '+ @strCondition+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strSortType+') AS TempTB'+' order by '+ @fldSort +' '+ @strFSortType             188        end     189    end 190191------返回查询结果----- 192exec sp_executesql @strTmp 193select datediff(ms,@timediff,getdate()) as 耗时 194--print @strTmp 195SET NOCOUNT OFF 196GO197


















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